- Research Interests
- Applied Probability
- Queueing Theory
- Reliability Theory
- Stochastic Processes
Actuarial Science
- Loss Model
- Risk Theory
- Publications
International Journals

"An extended stochastic failure model for a system subject to random shocks" with J. H. Cha, Operations Reasearch Letters, Vol. 38, pp. 468-473, 2010.

"New approximations of ruin probability in a risk process" with S. K. Choi, M. H. Choi and H. S. Lee, Quality Technology & Quantitative Management, Vol. 7, pp. 377-383, 2010.

Optimal control of the surplus in an insurance policy" with M. O. Jeong, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, Vol. 39, pp. 431-437, 2010.

"An optimization of a continuous time risk process" with M. O. Jeong and K. E. Lim, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 33, pp. 4062-4068, 2009.

"A partial replenishment model for an inventory with constant demand" with S. K. Choi and K. E. Lim, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 32, pp. 1790-1796, 2008.

"An inventory with partial replenishment subject to compound Poisson demand" with S. K. Choi and K. E. Lim, International Journal of Industrial Engineering, Vol. 14, pp. 355-361, 2007.

"Markovian approach to the backward recurrence time" with J. Kim, Differential equation and Application, Vol. 5, pp. 47-49, 2007

"Stationary distribution of queue length in G/M/1 queue with two-stage service policy" with S. Kim and J. Kim, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, Vol. 64, pp. 467-480, 2006.

"An optimal P(M, lambda)-service policy for an M/G/1 queueing system" with J. Kim and J. Bae, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 30, pp. 38-48, 2006.

"Optimization under P(M, lambda, tau)-policy of a finite dam with both continuous and jumpwise inputs" with K. E. Lim and J. S. Baek, Journal of Applied Probability, Vol. 42, pp. 587-594, 2005.

"A random shock model for a continuously deteriorating system" with K. E. Lim, J. S. Baek, Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, Vol. 11, pp. 206-215, 2005.

"Workload and waiting time analysis of MAP/G/1 queue under D-policy" with H. W. Lee, S. H. Cheon and K. C. Chae, Queueing Systems, Vol. 48, pp. 421-443, 2004.

"Average cost under P(M,?,?)-policy in a finite dam with compound Poisson inputs" with J. Bae and S. Kim, Journal of Applied Probability, Vol. 40, pp. 519-526, 2003.

"An optimal service rate in a Poisson arrival queue with two-stage service policy" with J. Bae and J. Kim, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, Vol. 58, pp. 477-482, 2003.

"An eigenvalue approach to discrete-time MAP/G/1 queues" with H. W. Lee, Y. J. Shin and K. C. Chae, International Journal of Industrial Engineering, Vol. 10, pp. 644-650, 2003.

"A P(M,?)-policy for an M/G/1 queueing system" with J. Bae and S. Kim, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 26, pp. 929-939, 2002.

"Busy periods of Poisson arrival queues with loss" with S. Kim and J. Bae, Queueing Systems, Vol. 39, pp. 201-212, 2001.

"The virtual waiting time of the M/G/1 queue with impatient customers" with J. Bae and S. Kim, Queueing Systems, Vol. 38, pp. 485-494, 2001.

"A repair policy with limited number of minimal repairs" with J. Bae, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, Vol. 13, pp. 153-163, 2001.

"The expected wet period of finite dam with exponential inputs" with K. K. J. Kinateder, Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, Vol. 90, pp. 175-180, 2000.

"A new approach to the busy period of the M/M/1 queue" with K. K. J. Kinateder, Queueing Systems, Vol. 35, pp. 105-115, 2000.

"A note on testing the nested structure in multivariate regression models" with S. K. Ahn, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 62, pp. 451-458, 2000.

"An optimal proportion of perfect repair" with J. Lee, Operations Research Letters, Vol. 25, pp. 147-148, 1999.

"P(M,?)-policy for a dam with input formed by a compound Poisson process" with S. K. Ahn, Journal of Applied Probability, Vol. 35, pp. 482-488, 1998.

"Optimal control of a model for a system subject to random shocks" with J. Lee, Operations Research Letters, Vol. 15, pp. 237-240, 1994.

"A model for a system subject to random shocks" with J. Lee, Journal of Applied Probability, Vol. 30, pp. 979-984, 1993.

"Optimal control of a model for a system subject to continuous wear" with L. A. Baxter, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, Vol. 2, pp. 321-328, 1988.

"A diffusion model for a system subject to continuous wear" with L. A. Baxter, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, Vol. 1, pp. 405-416, 1987.

"An inventory with constant demand and Poisson restocking" with L. A. Baxter, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, Vol. 1, pp. 203-210, 1987.
Domestic Journals

"A study on the estimation of the credibility in an extended Buhlmann-Strau model" with M. J. Yi, H. N. Go and S. K. Choi, Journal of the Korean Data & Information Science Society, Vol. 21, pp. 1181-1190, 2010.

"An improvement of the approximation of the ruin probability in a risk process" with H. S. Lee and S. K. Choi, The Korean Jounal of Applied Statistics, Vol. 22, pp. 937-942, 2009.

"A new approach to an inventory with constant demand", Journal of Korean Data & Information Science Society, Vol. 19, pp. 1345-1352, 2008.

"A martingale approach to a ruin model with surplus following a compound Poisson process" with S. Oh and M. Jeong, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, Vol. 36, pp. 229-235, 2007.

"Analysis of a ruin model with surplus following a Brownian Motion" with S. Han, The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics, Vol. 19, pp. 579-586, 2006.

"Poisson arrival queue with alternating service rates" with J. Kim and H. W. Lee, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, Vol. 34, pp. 39-47, 2005.

"Optimal inspection period for the system subject to random shocks" with S. S. Kim and S. K. Choi, Journal of Korean Data & Information Science Society, Vol. 16, pp. 725-733, 2005.

"Bounds for network reliability" with M. O. Jeong and K. E. Lim, Journal of Korean Data & Information Science Society, Vol. 16, pp. 1-11, 2005.

"Optimal restocking policy of an inventory with constant demand" with J. J. Ki and K. E. Lim, The Korean Communications in Statistics, Vol. 11, pp. 631-641, 2004.

"Analysis of a random shock model for a system and its optimization" with J. H. Park and S. K. Choi, Journal of Korean Data & Information Science Society, Vol. 15, pp. 773-782, 2004.

"A Markovian approach to the forward recurrence time in the renewal process" with J. Kim, and G. Shim, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, Vol. 33, pp. 299-302, 2004.

"Availability of repairable network system" with J. Y. Lee, Journal of Korean Data & Information Science Society, Vol. 15, pp. 21-29, 2004.

"Laplace transform of forward recurrence time in an alternating renewal process" with H. R. An and S. K. Choi, International Journal of Reliability and Applications, Vol. 3, pp. 199-202, 2002.

"Optimization of the M/M/1 queue with impatient customers" with K. E. Lim, International Journal of Reliability and Applications, Vol. 3, pp. 165-171, 2002.

"A level crossing approach to the analysis of finite dam" with S. Kim, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, Vol. 31, pp. 405-413, 2002.

"The optimal limit of the number of consecutive minimal repairs" with J. Bae, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, Vol. 30, pp. 89-98, 2001.

"Optimizations of imperfect repair models" with S. K. Choi, The Korean Communications in Statistics, Vol. 8, pp. 711-717, 2001.

"The analysis of the M/M/1 queue with impatient customers" with K. E. Lim, The Korean Communications in Statistics, Vol. 7, pp. 489-497, 2000.

"A repair process with embedded Markov chain" with M. Seoh, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, Vol. 28, pp. 515-522, 1999.

"Optimal control of a dam with a compound Poisson input" with J. Lee, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, Vol. 26, pp. 147-154, 1997.

"A model for a continuous state system with (s,S) repair policy" with W. J. Park and H. Kim, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, Vol. 25, pp. 111-122, 1996.

"Periodic inspection of a random shock model" with J. Y. Lee and J. K. Sohn, Journal of the Korean Society for Quality Management, Vol. 24, pp. 31-36, 1996.

"A random shock model for a linearly deteriorating system" with J. Lee, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, Vol. 24, pp. 471-479, 1995.

"A diffusion model for a system subject to random shocks" with B. G. Park and M. S. Song, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, Vol. 24, pp. 141-147, 1995.

"Optimization of model for an inventory with Poisson restocking" with H. G. Kim and S. I. Han, Journal of the Korean Society for Quality Management, Vol. 22, pp. 214-218, 1994.

"An inventory model and its optimization" with W. J. Park, Kyungpook Mathematical Journal, Vol. 31, pp. 143-150, 1991.

"Further properties of a model for a system subject to continuous wear" with L. A. Baxter, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, Vol. 20, pp. 139-146, 1991.