Sookmyung Statistics
Song, Minsun

Research Interests
Statistical Genetics and Epidemiology
Meta analysis
Differential privacy
Dimension reduction  
Selected Publications
Song, M. and Nicolae, D. L. (2009), "Restricted parameter space models for testing gene-gene interaction", Genetic Epidemiology, 33(5), 386-393
De la Cruz, O., Wen, X., Ke, B., Song, M., and Nicolae, D. L. (2010), "Gene, region and pathway level analyses in whole-genome studies", Genetic Epidemiology, 34(3), 222-231
Song, M., Kraft, P., Joshi, A., Barrdahl, M., and Chatterjee, N. (2015), "Testing calibration of risk models at extremes of disease risk ", Biostatistics, 16(1), 143-154
Hosgood, H. D.* , Song, M.* , ..., Chanock, S. J., Rothman, N., Lan, Q.(2015) , "Interactions between household air pollution and GWAS-identified lung cancer susceptibility markers in the Female Lung Cancer Consortium in Asia (FLCCA)", * Joint first author, Human Genetics , 134(3), 333-341
Song, M* , Hao, W. *, and Storey, J. D. (2015), "Testing for genetic associations in arbitrarily structured populations", * Joint first author, Nature Genetics, 47(5), 550-554
Song, M. (2015), "Jackknife-based gene-gene interaction tests for untyped SNPs", BMC Genetics, 16:85, doi:10.1186/s12863-015-0225-9
Hao, W. *, Song, M*, and Storey, J. D. (2016), "Probabilistic models of genetic variation in structured populations applied to global human studies", * Joint first author, Bioinformatics, 32(5), 713-721
Wang, Z., Seow, W. J., ... , Song, M., .... , Chanock, S. J., Rothman, N., Lan, Q. (2016), "Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies identifies multiple lung cancer susceptibility loci in never-smoking Asian women", Human Molecular Genetics, 25(3), 620-629
Seow, W.J.*, Matsuo, K.*, Hsiung, C.A.*, Shirahshi, K.*, Song, M.*,..., Chanock, S. J., Lan, Q. (2017), "Association between GWAS-identified lung adenocarcinoma susceptibility loci and EGFR mutations in never-smoking Asian women, and comparison with findings from Western populations", * Joint first author, Human Molecular Genetics, 26(2), 454-465
Song, M., Wheeler, W., Caporaso, N.E., Landi, M.T., and Chatterjee, N.(2018), “Using imputed genotype data in the joint score tests for genetic association and gene-environment interactions in case-control studies", Genetic Epidemiology, 42(2), 146-155
Rudolph, A., Song, M., Brook, M.N., ...., Chatterjee, N., Chang-Claude, J., Garcia-Closas, M. (2018), “Joint associations of a polygenic risk score and environmental risk factors for breast cancer in the Breast Cancer Association Consortium", International Journal of Epidemiology, 47(2), 526-536
Song, M. (2018), “A unified genetic association test robust to population structure for count phenotype ", Statistics in Medicine, 37(20), 2954-2967
Kim, S.I.* , Song, M.* , ..., Song, Y.S. (2019), "Development of Web-Based Nomograms to Predict Treatment Response and Prognosis of Epithelial Ovarian Cancer", *Joint first author, Cancer Research    and Treatment, 51(3), 1144-1155 
Wong, J.Y.Y.,..., Song, M.,..., Lan, Q. (2020), ``Tuberculosis infection and lung adenocarcinoma: Mendelian randomization and pathway analysis of genome-wide association study data from never-smoking Asian women", Genomics, 112(2), 1223-1232
Blechter, B., ..., Song, M.,..., Lan, Q. (2021), "Sub-multiplicative interaction between polygenic risk score and household coal use in relation to lung adenocarcinoma among never-smoking women in Asia", Environment International, 147:105975 
Song, M., Bura, E., Parzer, R., and Pfeiffer, R. (2023), "Structured time-dependent inverse regression (STIR)", Statistics in Medicine, 42(9), 1289-1307
Shi, J., ..., Song, M. ,..., Lan, Q. (2023), "Genome-wide association study of lung adenocarcinoma in East Asia and comparison with a European population.", Nature Communications, 14, 3043.
Kim, R.*, Song, M.*, Shinn, J., Kim, H.S. (2023), "Correlation between metformin intake and prostate cancer",  *Joint first author, Cardiovasc Prev Pharmacother, 5(3), 91-97 
2017-2020  한국연구재단, 신진연구지원사업, 신진연구
2020-2023  한국연구재단, 중견연구자지원사업, 신진중견연계
2023-2026  한국연구재단, 기본연구